The core development team has implemented updates and improvements to the wallet extension, upgraded npm packages, and is finali

22 Apr 2023, 04:06
The core development team has implemented updates and improvements to the wallet extension, upgraded npm packages, and is finalizing the JavaScript SDK, followed by GB's integration. Quantum International Corp is developing a suite of artificial intelligence (AI) products for LGCY, such as an AI-enabled encrypted communication app and an AI NFT avatar user interface, with other undisclosed products in the pipeline. The Loot smart contract has undergone Etherscan verification and will begin its marketing campaign after being updated on CoinGecko or CMC, leading to its listing on additional exchanges. The app launch will follow. We’re excited to announce that EliteWeb3 is incorporating LGCY and USDL into its innovative Groot Dex and integrating our network into their NFT marketplace and fully immersive 3D CasinoVerse, (amongst our other dapps) providing a considerable demand, adoption, and activity for USDL, ultimately resulting in deflationary burns. LGCY has just signed a fresh contract for a three-part interview series with NewToTheStreet to showcase all dapps being developed on LGCY, and any dapps building on LGCY that wants in, should contact the mods. We intend to expand our advertising campaign beyond billboards, such as benches and taxis. LGCY plans to attend the OnXDC event in Austin, TX, in August, with a large booth and an invitation to meet attendees in person. A handful of 5m staked LGCY accounts will be given away to users who participated in the ama, with two being jawtsi and arabguy selected by popular vote, and the mods selecting the remaining three. Any remaining questions will be addressed subsequently. Thank you for your continued support, and we are excited about the developments underway. Let's schedule another ama at the same time next month.